Bainbridge of Bainbridge

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Comments: 2

Village Green in Oulston, Yorkshire

The Bainbridge family line can be traced back to Oulston, a small picturesque village in the Howardian Hills of North Yorkshire. The village green is displayed in the photograph above. Since the middle of the eighteenth century, our family migrated over twenty miles, across six generations, and almost 200 years, to arrive in Newton-on-Ouse.

The origin of the family could be in the Yorkshire Dales’ village of Bainbridge, however that 50 mile journey from Oulston could have spanned multiple generations where written records become scarce. These are the five generations of Bainbridge researched to date and their stories will follow in subsequent posts. I recommend you begin withJohn Bainbridge 1789-1869

Bainbridge Family Line 1024x959
Five generations of the Bainbridge line from Oulston to Newton on Ouse



Family archivist, genealogical researcher, writer, and always open to receive questions, comments, and feedback via


2 Responses

  1. Julian, I managed to log on without my problems . Thanks for setting this up. I am sure the family will enjoy reading about the Bainbridge family at their leisure.
    Mum x

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